Demographics & Population
Total Dwellings
Average Household Size
The 2024 Chestermere Municipal Census was conducted from May 1 to July 30, 2024. The first census conducted since 2021 and the first city-led census since 2018 is now complete. Along with door-to-door data collection, residents had the opportunity to conveniently complete the questionnaire online. This report offers an overview of the census findings, featuring data on the general population, growth rate, number of dwellings, resident demographics, and neighbourhood-specific statistics.
Population Density by Area in Chestermere
Disclaimer: Population density figures for newer, developing communities are subject to change as these areas become occupied. Please note that current neighborhood boundaries may include unoccupied properties, potentially affecting the accuracy of density calculations per square kilometer.
Neighbourhood | Total Population | Area km2 | Density Per km2 |
Beaches | 464 | 0.133022154 | 3488.140778 |
Chelsea | 1587 | 0.527136624 | 3010.604705 |
Chestermere Estates | 53 | 0.016362137 | 3239.18571 |
Chesterview Estates | 302 | 0.113595209 | 2658.562818 |
Estates of Chestermere | 121 | 0.11171216 | 1083.140815 |
Dawson’s Landing | 2027 | 0.795247826 | 2548.890967 |
East Acreages | 111 | 1.202340343 | 92.31994974 |
East Chestermere Drive Area | 684 | 0.540311862 | 1265.935561 |
East Lakeview Shores | 354 | 0.089926682 | 3936.540195 |
Kinniburgh North | 2379 | 0.542035669 | 4389.010056 |
Kinniburgh South | 763 | 0.268410567 | 2842.660063 |
Lake Ere States | 53 | 0.178152094 | 297.4986087 |
Lakepointe | 788 | 0.143477425 | 5492.15319 |
Lakeside Green | 716 | 0.932990877 | 767.4244388 |
Lakeview Landing | 1230 | 0.379291711 | 3242.886578 |
Marina Paradise | 250 | 0.04258585 | 5870.494521 |
Mcivor | 178 | 0.039364137 | 4521.88246 |
North Acreages | 155 | 1.26926434 | 122.1179821 |
Paradise Meadows | 57 | 0.399165709 | 142.7978375 |
Rainbow Falls | 3471 | 0.970284494 | 3577.301317 |
South Shores | 350 | 0.320838774 | 1090.890593 |
The Cove | 1133 | 0.312315306 | 3627.744077 |
Waterford | 811 | 0.344725284 | 2352.597964 |
West Chestermere Drive | 385 | 0.312718224 | 1231.140273 |
West Creek | 2236 | 0.646596288 | 3458.108315 |
Westmere | 6804 | 1.683079807 | 4042.589052 |
Westmere Commerical | 605 | 0.249722434 | 2422.689829 |