Tax Certificates & Legal Descriptions
How Do I Order A Tax Certificate?
Requests are required to be in writing via email. The tax department will prepare and email your certificate within two working days.
How Much Is A Tax Certificate?
The cost for a tax certificate is $30. Proof of payment in the form of credit card information or a faxed copy of a cheque payable to the City of Chestermere must be received before a request is processed.
What Information Does The Tax Certificate Include?
Tax certificates will provide the roll number, legal description, property address, levy, current balance, arrears, and any monthly tax payment plan amount.
Can I Order My Tax Certificate Online?
Not yet, however, the City is planning to launch an online system. An application form from the tax department will be necessary to set up an account and password. Certificates will then be ordered online using a credit card payment option.
You can look up legal land descriptions using the City’s Webmap (Prior to accessing webmap, it is recommended that you read the Webmap User Instructions.)