Home Business Permits & Licenses
There are many successful home-based businesses in Chestermere! If you’re thinking of starting an operation from your home, here’s what you need to know:
Major vs. Minor
When you apply for your home business permit, you will need to indicate if you are operating a major or minor home business:
A Major Home-Based business typically has clients or customers parking at the home and/or entering the home. Examples include a piano teacher, car repair business, a seamstress, dog grooming, day home, etc.
A Minor Home-Based Business is typically a home-office that will not serve clients or customers on the premises. Examples include a graphic designer, consultant, engineering services, etc.
Step 1 - Home Business Permit
Download and complete the Home Business Permit ApplicationÂ
Permit Applications should be completed and emailed to planning@chestermere.ca
You may need to contact the City Development Team and provide details about your business and the location of your home to determine if your business is a permitted, discretionary or non-permitted use at your location. Call (403) 207-7075, or email planning@chestermere.ca.
A Building Inspection or Safety Inspection MAY be required, and City Staff will schedule all inspections once the Home Business Permit Application is processed.
Step 2 - Apply for a Business License
Once you are issued with a Home Business Development Permit and the required safety inspections are completed, you can apply for your business license:
Applications forms are found at the bottom of this page.
Step 3 - Prepare to Open
Once your location is finalized and your permits have been approved, you will be issued with a business license and you can begin advertising and prepare to open!
- Business Licenses expire December 31 of each year. Payment for licenses for the year are typically due January 31 but have been extended to March 31 for the 2021 year.
- Please take a look at the Business License Classification Reference Chart to determine how to classify your business as per the section that asks for the “nature of your business.”
- For more information on business licences, you can read our business license bylaw