Non-Chestermere Business Permits & Licenses
If you do business in Chestermere, but do not operate out of a permanent physical location within the City, read below to find the appropriate business licenses. Anyone operating a business in Chestermere must obtain a business license. This includes non-Chestermere businesses who are contracted to do work in Chestermere.
Step 1 - Secure Permits
If your business is a restaurant or food-based business, you will also need a Food Establishment Permit or copy of your Health Inspection Form before completing step 2.
(if you require more information contact Alberta Health Services at 403-943-2288)
If your business is involved in the motor vehicle industry, then you will need an AMVIC permit/license before completing step 2.
If you have any questions about obtaining additional permits before applying for your business license, call the City’s Development Team at (403) 207-7075, or email
Step 2 - Apply For Business License
Once you are issued with the required permits and the required safety inspections are completed, you can apply for your business license.
Application & Renewal Forms are located at the bottom of this page.
Step 3 - Prepare to Open
Once you have been issued with a business license you can begin your work in Chestermere!
- Business Licenses expire December 31 of each year. Payment for licenses for the year are typically due January 31 but have been extended to March 31 for the 2021 year.
- Please take a look at the Business License Classification Reference Chart to determine how to classify your business as per the section that asks for the “nature of your business.”
- For more information on business license’s, you can read our business license bylaw