No. Alcohol consumption on a vessel is prohibited unless it was manufactured with sleeping quarters, meal preparation area (galley), a built in lavatory/washroom, and is moored for the evening.
Boat Launch
New Operational Schedule
Summer Schedule:
7 Days/Week: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Fall Schedule:
September 03rd – October 11th, the boat launch will not be staffed but residents will still have pin and/or RFID access. Visitors will be required to purchase a pass by visiting or calling Community Operations at (403) 207-2807 on weekdays, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, excluding statutory holidays
Winter Schedule: Closed
The Boat Launch facility is located 100 John Morris Way, at John Peake Park on the west side of the lake, just north of Chestermere Boulevard.
The Boat Launch phone number is (403) 207-7050, ext. 7127.
Important Information
- Boat clearance under the bridge is 5.2 feet
- The speed limit is 12 km on north end of the lake
- Please back into the angled stalls when parking at the boat launch
- Accepting debit or credit only
Boat Launch Fee's
Resident Seasonal Launch Fee
- $25.00/ household
Visitor (non-resident) Daily Fees
Monday – Friday
- Motorized – $35.00
- Personal Watercraft – $25.00
- Open Bow Boat (under 10 horsepower) – $10.00
- Non-motorized – FREE
Saturday, Sunday and Stat. Holiday (Daily Fees)
- Motorized – $65.00
- Personal Watercraft – $45.00
- Open Bow Boat (under 10 horsepower) – $10.00
- Non-motorized – FREE
Permits will be available upon resident’s first visit to the launch. An electronic decal system will allow easy access to the launch by activating the automated gate arms.
How does the permit system work for residents? .
1. You will receive an electronic bar-code sticker and digital pin code upon registering your boat this summer.
2. You will be required to purchase a season pass upon registration for $25.00, which will help cover the cost of the sticker, pin, and other expenses related to improving Lake safety this summer and in the future.
3. You will only need to bring in your documents to register for a permit once, as we will be keeping digital records of these documents.
4. The bar-code sticker will be required to be placed on your boat(s) (specific height and location information will be provided by boat launch staff), as this sticker will be scanned to provide flexible access and track boat activity in and out of the launch.
5. The sticker and pin will allow access in and out of the boat launch parking area (users will be required to be out of our launch parking area by 10:00 pm.
6. During the registration process you will be required to provide:
a. Proof of residence (drivers licence)
b. Pleasure Craft Operator Card
c. Transport Canada Boat License # (for motorized boats of 10 horsepower or more) or Trailer License for Personal Watercraft or Boats under 10 horsepower
7. You will be given an orientation upon permit registration which will include information about preventing invasive species, a boat safety courtesy check along with a Lake safety map, and contact information for the boat launch, CPOs and RCMP.
8. Each year decals will be reactivated following the purchase of a season pass during your first visit to the launch. No paperwork will be needed except proof of residency at that time.
Boat Launch access for non-residents
1. Visitors will be required to pay per day (see the fees section) and will be given access to the launch with a temporary pin.
2. Visitors will receive an orientation from boat launch staff including an invasive species survey, educational material, and Lake safety courtesy check every time they come through the launch.
3. Visitors will have access to get a pass during boat launch staff hours and will be required to be out of the Boat Launch parking area by 10:00 pm.
Help Protect Chestermere Lake
Aquatic Invasive Species are plants and animals (mussels) that can infest our lake, damage pumps and irrigation systems, and clog boat props. If you launch your boat in Chestermere, you will be asked to ensure your boat is not carrying these species. Learn more about what you can do to protect our lake at
New: Boat Cleaning Unit
The City of Chestermere and the Western Irrigation District (WID) have joined forces to keep Chestermere Lake and local waterbodies safe from aquatic invasive species by investing in a new boat cleaning system..
It is a free, waterless, user-operated boat cleaning system that will allow boaters to effectively clean, drain, and dry their watercrafts, an essential activity that helps stop the spread of aquatic invasive species. The system is made possible with support from the City of Chestermere, WID and a grant awarded by the Alberta government, through the Canadian Agriculture Partnership.
Boat Safety
The City offers general boat safety information about Chestermere Lake, including guidelines about weather, towing, speed limits and other operational regulations.
RCMP Water Safety Program
The goal of the Chestermere RCMP water safety program is to ensure all residents and visitors are safe in their lake use. Our enhanced boat patrols are in place to check vessel compliance, educate lake users on safe operation, deter unsafe operation habits, and when required enforce applicable legislation on the lake.
If unsafe vessel operation is occurring or if an offence has been committed, please contact the Chestermere RCMP to make a report through the non emergency complaint line at 403-204-8900; or dial 911 in the case of an emergency.
Learn more about the Water Safety Program here.
Learn about Small Vessel Regulations & Safety Requirements here.
Learn more about the RCMP Marine Safety Decal Program here
If I consume liquor while operating a vessel, can I be charged with impaired operation?
Yes. Impaired driving laws under the Criminal Code extend to vessels in waterways, train operation, and aircraft operation. Possession of liquor in a vessel is also prohibited and subject to seizure and a fine under the Gaming and Liquor Act.
Is there a speed limit on Chestermere Lake?
Yes. The portion of the lake North of the causeway has a speed limit of 12km/hr. The remainder of the lake has a 10km/hr speed limit within 30 meters of shore.
If the police request an inspection of my vessel, am I obligated to cooperate?
Yes. You are obligated to provide proof of operator competency (pleasure craft operator license), proof of ownership (vessel licensing), and must produce all required safety equipment. If you refuse to cooperate, the police may board your vessel to check for these items and if required order you to leave the lake. Violations for non compliance may also result in a court appearance and fines.
Can I waterski or go tubing after dark?
No. You cannot tow a person after dark.
How many people can I have on my vessel?
You may only have as many people as you have seats which does not exceed the recommended weight for your vessel. This includes any persons towed by your vessel.
Can I tow a person on a tube with my Personal Watercraft (PWC)?
Yes, as long as you have a spotter on your PWC and an additional seat for each towed person.
What are the age restrictions for operating a pleasure craft?
** All persons who operate a pleasure craft regardless of age require a Pleasure Craft Operator Card, or in the case of a rental has received appropriate instruction **
Under 12 years of age with no direct supervision: May operate a boat up to 10hp (7.5kW) engine power.
Ages 12 to under 16 with no direct supervision: May operate a boat up to 40hp (30kW) engine power.
Under 16 years of age, regardless of supervision: May not operate a Personal Watercraft (PWC)
16 years of age or older: No horsepower restrictions.
If you have questions or concerns about the Boat Launch fees or application, please call City Hall at (403) 207-2807.
If you see someone in distress, call 9-1-1. Chestermere Fire Services crews are certified in aquatic rescue techniques and ice rescue.