E-Taxes & One-Time Tax Payments
E-Tax Notices
The City offers electronic delivery of the Annual Assessment and Tax notices for your convenience. To sign up, complete the form below and email it to taxes@chestermere.ca.
Payment can be made by credit card online at Plastiq, a third party service provider.
Please note, an account will need to be created and payments may take 3–5 business days to process. A Plastiq service fee will be applied (2.85% or less for credit cards). The City does not receive any portion of this fee – it is a 3rd party service fee.
Via Electronic Banking - Phone or Online
- Please ensure the PAYEE is ‘CHESTERMERE TAXES’.
- Please use your Tax Roll Number as the account number and allow up to 3 days for processing.
- Please make payment 2-3 days prior to due date.
- If your payee is ‘Chestermere Utilities’, we will not receive the payment (may need to set up a new account)
Payment By Mail
- Mail a cheque to City Hall, 105 Marina Road, Chestermere AB T1X 1V7
- Payments through the mail will be applied to the tax accounts on the date of the postmark stamped on the envelope by Canada Post.
- Please note that the City of Chestermere is not responsible for lost or misdirected mail
Payment In Person
- At a bank, you can use your tax roll number as the account number.
- You can drop off a cheque using the secured drop box located on the south side of City Hall. Please do not deposit cash.
- Note: Cash will not be accepted and the City encouarges enrolling in TIPP or using other electronic options. Call 403-207-7050 for assistance.
Other Payment Information
- Cheques must be made payable to the CITY OF CHESTERMERE.
- Post-dated cheques will be accepted. However, payments made after the due date will have penalties applied.
- Cheques are a conditional payment until the bank upon which it is drawn honours the cheque. If a cheque is not honoured, penalties and a service charge of $30.00 will be applied.
- Payments will be accepted at any time (subject to penalties).
The Provincial Government has a property tax assistance program for seniors. Visit their website or call 1 (877) 644-9992 to learn more.
Some properties are exempt from taxes (including some non-profits and community groups). Find out more here.
Tax Penalties & Fees (Bylaw 014-18)
- For current year taxes that remain unpaid after the due date of July 31st, a 7% penalty will be applied on August 1st. A 1.5% penalty will be applied on the 1st of each month thereafter.
- For prior year taxes (arrears) that remain unpaid a 1.5% penalty will be applied monthly.