Mental Health Resources
Please connect with Access Mental Health by phone at 403-943-1500 for direct referral to mental health and counselling services. Mental Health Clinicians complete a clinical interview over the telephone to assess the individuals’ needs. Mental Health Clinicians are familiar with both Alberta Health Services and community based programs and will explore all options in order to refer individuals to the most appropriate resources. For more resources available please connect with Inform AB 211.
Additional Resources
- The Mental Health Coalition for Chestermere, Langdon, & South East Rocky View has created the Community Mental Wellness Resources poster to make it easier to understand what local mental health supports are available. Take a peek at the resource poster and see which community agencies are partnering together to create healthier and safer communities. Click on the brain image to connect with the Chestermere and Area Mental Health Coalition Facebook Page.
- Alberta Health Services programs a list of resources and tools for mental health and programs/services available for additional support.
- Social Isolation and Loneliness Information and Social Isolation and Loneliness Toolkit These guides help address social isolation and loneliness issues and a tool kit with additional resources to battle feelings of loneliness/isolation.
- Anxiety Canada is a free self-help researched-based website that provides aid for those experiencing anxiety. This includes services, programs, and online courses.
- Community Education Service offers a variety of free online presentations that provide information regarding practice strategies to support the development and mental health of a child or youth.
- The Mental Health Natural Supports Simulation is an online experience that helps to raise awareness for support roles by building skills and confidence.
- Self-care for disaster times and beyond includes a Self-Care Toolkit Guide and several additional wellness resources and strategies.